I won the first game, but only be 20 points. He won the second by 10 points. Then I demolished him on the final. Beating him by fifty points. He was a good sport about it and said, “Do I get to choose what they paint? I don’t want to get painted up like a fairy princess or something.”
“Sure, I bet they could do Darth Maul or something if you want.”
“That wouldn’t be so bad. How long to I have to wear this?”
“Always set your terms before you place a bet. But I’ll let you wash it off when we get home.”
“Let’s do it.”
So we went over to the booth where a couple of girls were doing face painting to raise money for 4H. They had about 10 styles to choose from. Well really two if you were a boy and didn’t want to be too cutesy. Kevin went with the tiger. “I like it,” I said, “it matches your hair.”
“Swell. At least nobody is going to recognize me like this. Lets go to the movie.”
I collected our tickets at the kiosk and in we went. I got us some snacks, Sno-caps for him and Junior mints for me and we went to the theater. The usher collecting the tickets smiled at Kevin and said, “Hi ya, tiger, enjoy the show.” Then he said to me, “It’s PG13, but I took my little brother to see it last week and he’s almost 8. It’s not that intense. It shouldn’t give him any bad dreams.” I smiled and said thanks, Kevin rolled his eyes.